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Your Hotel and Restaurant Consultant in Guadeloupe, Martinique & Mainland France

Assen Boualam

20 years of experience in the restaurant industry

My role as a hotel & restaurant consultant

I listen to your needs, analyze the current situation, and offer you the opportunity to optimize it. My approach adapts to the reality of your work.
My perspective and experience allow me to offer you a tailor-made solution to transform your establishment.

A multidisciplinary approach

I come from the field; I started about twenty years ago as a waiter.

Since then, my journey has been marked by encounters that allowed me to experience all positions, in the dining room, in the kitchen, within high-end catering teams, up to the role of Director of Restaurant Operations. It was in 2016 that I began my new mission: to assist hotel, restaurant, and leisure establishments as a Consultant.

In 2022, I further professionalized with the acquisition of the MBA degree in Management of Hospitality, Tourism, and Restaurant businesses from the International Superior School of Savignac.

My 360° approach allows me to understand and anticipate the challenges that will arise from the changes initiated by my support.

Advice & Creation

Study & Diagnosis

Training & Recruitment

I support directors, restaurateurs, and managers

Flow constraints, imposed paths, I succeed in adapting the proposal to the reality of your operations.

As a consultant, I am a solution provider. I optimize what can be optimized, respecting costs.

The optimization and evolution of your establishment take place gradually. Teams are integrated into the change.

They trusted me

(…) Regardless of his assignments, Assen has always been attentive to issues, a source of proposals, punctual, and exceptionally serious, which does not exclude an ability to improvise and exceptional responsiveness. He has always brilliantly met challenges and put all his seriousness, professionalism, and dedication to the service of projects, regardless of their complexity. If you are looking for a trustworthy man, a recognized professional in hotel and restaurant management, autonomous without being a free electron, respectful of individualities, with good commercial sense and constant good humor, do not hesitate!

Frédéric Prades

Director of the Grotte Cosquer Méditerranée

I met Mr. Boualam when we created the restaurant space of the Berthemont-les-Bains thermal center, VALVITAL. It was easy for me to recognize a man who knows how to put his skills at the service of the collective. His soft skills are flawless. He is always a man of value and trust without a doubt!

Nadine Solomas

CEO at Maison Solomas Ebeniste Agenceur Créateur

Let's meet

Would you like to know more about my support as a restaurant consultant? Let’s discuss your project…

Thoughts on the restaurant industry

A managerial approach focused on the individual and Lean management in the service of the restaurant industry.

A restaurant consultant is an experienced professional who offers strategic advice to enhance the performance of your restaurant, hotel, or any other leisure establishment. These experts may have backgrounds in restaurant operations management, service quality management, strategic planning, marketing, cost management, or a combination of these skills.

Hospitality and restaurant consultants often work with restaurants, restaurant chains, hotels, and other businesses in the hospitality sector to develop growth plans, improve service quality, and optimize costs. They can also help devise effective marketing plans to attract more customers.

The role of the consultant can vary based on the specific needs of the business. Some may focus on a specific area of the restaurant, such as cost management or strategic planning, while others may offer broader expertise.

Independent consultants work directly with establishment managers to develop tailored strategies, while consulting firms may offer a range of services, including marketing consultancy, training services, project management services, and market research services.

A restaurant specialist must have a deep understanding of the industry, current trends, and best practices in management and marketing. They should also possess strong skills in strategic planning, cost management, financial analysis, and human resource management. They must also have robust communication skills to work effectively with clients and internal teams.

Benefits of Working with a Restaurant Consultant

Hiring a restaurant consultant can bring numerous benefits to your business. Here are some of the most significant advantages:

– Service Quality Improvement: They offer solutions tailored to the business’s needs. They can assist in training employees to provide superior service.

– Cost Optimization: They can help optimize your business costs. They can assist in evaluating production costs and finding ways to cut expenses.

– Development Plan: They assist in developing a long-term growth plan for your business. They can help identify opportunity areas and devise strategies to exploit them.

– Profitability Enhancement: Expert guidance can boost sales and improve the establishment’s profitability by offering effective solutions to attract more customers.

– Effective Marketing Plan: With the right team, the consultant devises an effective marketing plan to attract more customers. They can help identify the most suitable marketing channels for your business and devise strategies to exploit them.

How to Choose a Restaurant Consultant in Guadeloupe, Martinique & Mainland France

When looking for a restaurant consultant in Guadeloupe, Martinique & Mainland France, here are some criteria to consider:

– Experience: They should have a good understanding of the local market and current trends.

– Skills: Possess strong skills in strategic planning, cost management, and marketing.

– References: It’s essential to ask for references and recommendations from past clients. This will help you assess the consultant’s effectiveness.

– Availability: They should be available to work with you and meet your needs. Ensure the restaurant consultant communicates well and can work as a team with your staff.

– Price: It’s essential to consider the cost of the restaurant consultant’s services. Compare offers from different consultants to find the one that best fits your budget.

Various Issues Restaurant Owners Face Where a Restaurant Consultant Can Intervene

Restaurants can face various challenges in their daily operations.

– Cost Management: Cost management is a key issue for restaurants. Costs can include food, drinks, labor, overhead expenses, and expenses related to equipment and supplies. Inefficient cost management can negatively impact the business’s profitability.

– Service Quality: Service quality is crucial for customer satisfaction. Restaurants must ensure their staff is trained and competent to provide superior service. Poor service quality can lead to decreased sales and customer loss.

– Competition: Customers have many options when choosing where to eat, and restaurants need to stand out to attract customers. Competition can also put pressure on prices and profit margins.

– Stock Management: Stock management is a key element for business profitability. Establishments must manage their inventory effectively to avoid losses and wastage. Inadequate stock management can lead to additional costs and profitability loss.

– Marketing: Marketing is essential to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Establishments need to devise effective marketing strategies to reach their target audience. A poor marketing strategy can lead to decreased sales and customer loss.

– Regulation: Restaurants must comply with strict health and safety regulations and standards. Violations of these standards can result in fines, temporary or permanent closures, and a negative reputation.

– Human Resource Management: Human resource management is a key issue for restaurants. Restaurant owners need to recruit and train qualified and competent staff. They also need to offer attractive working conditions to attract and retain employees.

Why Hire a Restaurant Consultant in Guadeloupe, Martinique & Mainland France

If you own a restaurant in Guadeloupe, Martinique & Mainland France, you could benefit from the services of a restaurant consultant for several reasons:

– Local Expertise: A restaurant consultant based in Guadeloupe, Martinique & Mainland France will have a deep understanding of the local culture and current restaurant trends.

– Sales Increase: A restaurant consultant can help increase your sales by devising effective marketing strategies and improving your service quality.

– Cost Management: A restaurant consultant can help optimize your costs by identifying opportunity areas to reduce expenses.

– Service Quality Improvement: A restaurant consultant can assist in improving your service quality by offering advice and training to your staff.

– Development Plan: A restaurant consultant can assist in developing a long-term growth plan for your business. They can help identify opportunity areas to grow your business.

How to Work with a Restaurant Consultant?

Working with a restaurant consultant can be a collaborative process to achieve set goals. Here are some tips for effectively working with a restaurant consultant:

– Clearly Define Your Objectives: Determine what you want to achieve with the consultant’s help and ensure these objectives are achievable.

– Clearly Communicate Your Needs and Expectations: Explain the challenges you face and the outcomes you hope to achieve. This will allow the consultant to devise an effective strategy to meet your objectives.

– Establish a Timeline: Set a timeline for the project and determine key dates for meetings, reports, and deliverables. Ensure the consultant meets set deadlines and provides regular updates on the project’s progress.

– Be Available for Teamwork: Working with an expert requires close collaboration to implement recommended solutions. Be available to work as a team with the consultant and their

team to implement the proposed strategies and recommendations.

– Regularly Evaluate Results: Regularly assess the project’s results to determine if objectives have been met. If results are unsatisfactory, work with the consultant to devise alternative solutions or modify the existing strategy.